“No Address” - The Movie Highlighting Homelessness Awareness

Mar 7, 2025

The premiere of No Address was more than just a VIP movie screening event—it was a powerful reminder of the realities of homelessness and the importance of compassion towards those experiencing it. The event was attended by Majors Rob and Carolynn Webb, Houston Area Commanders, along with Lieutenants Cody and Amanda Johns, Conroe Corps Officers, and members of the Conroe and Montgomery County Advisory Council.

Before the film, attendees listened to emotional testimonies from individuals who found refuge at the Wayne Bergstrom Center of Hope in Conroe. Their stories of resilience and recovery served as a moving testament to the life-changing impact of compassion and supportive shelter.

One statement from the night resonated deeply: “You could be one paycheck away from homelessness. Look around you at those who are experiencing homelessness, they are people just like you and I who want to be acknowledged. Help if you can”.

The film No Address sheds light on the struggles of those experiencing homelessness and encourages communities to take action. Events like these remind us that, through compassion, advocacy, and support, we can make a difference in the lives of those in need.

1 Peter 4:9: "Be quick to give a meal to the hungry, a bed to the homeless".


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